First Name
Last Name
Preferred Contact Method
Type of Session
Our counsellors work at specific locations, but all are available for online sessions regardless of location. If your preferred counsellor doesn't work at your preferred location but you are open to online sessions, please indicate so by selecting "Either".
Online Video
Either - Online/In-Person
Office Location
Select all that may apply.
Surrey - at Highway 10 & 152nd St
Downtown Vancouver - at Granville & Robson St
Chilliwack - at Storey Avenue in Sardis
Online Video
The requested counselling is for a:
Child (5 - 12)
Youth (13 - 18)
Adult (19+)
Reason for Counselling
Please briefly describe your top 1-5 reasons for seeking counselling, in order of priority. Not all counsellors work with all issues and our best-match approach is aimed at pairing you with the counsellor best suited to help while prioritizing what is most important for you to address first.
If the client is a Child/Youth, what is their full name and date of birth? If there is another legal guardian/parent, what is their contact information? We will need to contact them to obtain consent to proceed. PLEASE NOTE: Our office does not specialize in high-conflict or court-involved cases of family separation/divorce with minors. We can provide you with a referral to another office if needed.
Child's Full Name - Age - Date of Birth
Legal Guardian/Other Parent Full Name - Phone Number - Email Address
If requesting Couples/Family counselling, we need to get in touch with all participants prior to booking. Please indicate the full names, emails, and ages of each person who will be participating in the sessions.
Person 1 - Name - Age - Email Address
Person 2 - Name - Age - Email Address
Counsellor Preference
If known, please indicate the names of your top 3 choices of the counsellor that you would like to see. Based upon your reason for seeking counselling, our intake coordinator will suggest a counsellor for you who will best be able to help you. We do our best to pair everyone with their counsellor of choice, however, this may vary due to individual counsellor availability, days/times of the week, the reason you're seeking counselling, and the approaches that each counsellor uses. Based on what you indicate and our expertise, we may make a recommendation for who we feel would most closely be able to fulfil what you are looking for.
Choose the best match for me!
Pavan Nahal (Surrey)
Pardeep Thandi (Surrey)
Melissa Drabbant (Surrey)
Rajani Dhillon (Surrey)
Cindy Aujla (Surrey)
Sue Noble (Surrey)
Audrey D'Souza (Surrey)
Laura Proctor (Surrey - returning May 1st, 2025)
San Samra (Surrey)
Ciska Jans (Surrey)
Dominique Sorace (Surrey or Vancouver)
Dylan Patterson (Vancouver)
Shoko Omori (Vancouver)
Angela Pattria (Vancouver)
Karina Rampal (Vancouver)
Megan Davies (Vancouver)
Adam Manz (Vancouver)
Chelsea Stenner (Chilliwack - on maternity leave)
Julia Zepedeo (Chilliwack)
Leanne VanderMeer (Chilliwack)
Lyndsay Rao (Chilliwack - on maternity leave)
Tia Prince (Chilliwack)
Kristy Ricard (Chilliwack)
Kelly TeBrinke (Chilliwack)
Julia Martin (Chilliwack)
Molly McBride (Chilliwack)
Preferred Appointment Times
Individual counsellor availability varies. There may be a wait for evening/weekend appointments due to high demand. If you are able to do a daytime appointment, please indicate so below in order to be able to get started with a counsellor sooner. Please include as many options as possible below for when you are generally available week-to-week.
Affiliation or Claim Information
If relevant, please indicate which of the following fields apply. Please note, most extended health plans will cover counselling with an RCC, CCC, or RSW - please verify your coverage with your plan provider. We are able to direct bill to select extended health plans that allow counsellors to. Where we aren't able to direct bill, you will be issued a detailed receipt which you can submit to your plan directly for quick reimbursement.
I will be submitting receipts to my extended health plan
I will be paying privately/out-of-pocket
Crime Victim Assistance Program (direct billing available)
WorkBC (direct billing available)
Vancouver Coastal Health (direct billing available)
BC Emergency Health Services (direct billing available)
Autism Funding Unit (direct billing available)
SAJE Mental Health (direct billing available)
Greenshield (direct billing available)
TELUS eClaims (please inform us of your provider, and we'll confirm if direct billing is available)
AgSafe (direct billing available)
Medavie Blue Cross (direct billing available for private side members)
FNHA (direct billing available)
Other (we'll let you know if direct billing is available)
Anything Else You'd Like Us To Know?
How Did You Find Us?
Google Search
Google Ad
Clinic Newsletter
Psychology Today Directory
Online Directory
Another Counsellor
Another Professional/Medical Office
Harrison Healthcare
Air Canada
The Fix Studio
Wish Society
PFlag Society
Pace Society
Pacific Post Partum Support Society
Looking Glass Foundation
Doctors of BC
Vancouver Police Department
Military Family Resource Centre
Diane Lee & Associates Physiotherapy
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