Written by us, for you.
Resources on Mental Health, Trauma, Relationships, and Our Shared Humanity.
EMDR Therapy | Chilliwack & Surrey, BC
Our Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR) therapists in Chilliwack and Surrey work with patients to achieve trauma recovery and anxiety reduction.
Anxiety Relief | Counselling in Vancouver
Find the right professional counselling and therapy services for anxiety and panic attacks virtually and near Vancouver, BC.
Find Therapists in Surrey, BC
New to therapy and wondering how to find a therapist in Surrey? Here’s what to look for in a mental health professional.
Online Therapy and Counselling in Vancouver
Providing trusted online therapy and virtual counselling in Vancouver, British Columbia, so you can receive the support you need wherever and whenever you need it.
Couples Counselling in Vancouver
Struggling with your marriage or relationship? You are not alone. Our Vancouver therapists have extensive expertise and experience in providing marriage and couples therapy to those feeling stuck and discouraged in their relationships.
What to Expect From Your First Chilliwack Therapy Session
Ready to book your first therapy session in Chilliwack? Here’s what you need to know to get the most out of clinical counselling.
Top 7 Things Your Therapist Wants You to Know
What your therapist in Surrey, Vancouver or Chilliwack wants you to know. Here’s what we’ve learned from sitting in the client’s chair ourselves.
Therapists, Counsellors and Psychologists in Chilliwack, BC
Have questions about starting therapy in Chilliwack? Our team is here to help individuals, couples, and families of all ages work through life’s challenges with caring, clinical counselling.
Therapists, Counsellors and Psychologists in Vancouver, BC
Looking for a skilled therapist in Vancouver, BC? Our team of experienced counsellors offers inclusive and professional therapy for individuals of all ages—adults, young adults, children, teens, couples, and families—across Vancouver and the surrounding areas.
Therapists, Counsellors and Psychologists in Surrey, BC
Find a qualified therapist in Surrey, British Columbia. Our community of counsellors in and around the Surrey area provides professional, inclusive therapy for adults, young adults, youth, children, couples, and families.
What To Say When You Don’t Know What To Say: Navigating Challenging Conversations
The holiday season often brings with it joyful reunions, warm traditions, and cherished moments. But for many, it also means navigating challenging dynamics in relationships—awkward questions, unexpected emotions, and moments when you’re left unsure how to respond. As an honourable mention, we all have that person in our lives who it’s mind-bendingly-hard to write a Christmas card for. IYKYK.
Mindfulness and Mental Health: Beyond Just “Taking a Breath”
Mindfulness is a word you hear everywhere, and most of us have a general idea of what it is. But it’s also an easy word to brush off. When someone recommends trying mindfulness, meditation, or breath work, a common internal response is often, “Yeah, yeah, got it”—and we mentally move on to the next thing. In fact, our booking team often hears requests like, “Please don’t book me with someone who’s just going to tell me to breathe.” The first truth is, mindfulness is both an art and a science, and it’s profoundly effective. However, without understanding the science-based, and neurobiological reasons behind it, people often overlook its potential as a powerful resource both in and outside of therapy. The second truth is, forming helpful coping strategies is HARD—it takes time, patience, and deliberate practice every day to see changes and develop new habits. It may be an important question to ask yourself if you’ve given mindfulness an honest shot.
The Power of Words and Their Impact on Our Mental Health
In Japanese culture, we have a concept called "Kotodama," the belief that words hold a spiritual power that can influence reality. This belief aligns with an interesting study conducted by Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto. Dr. Emoto and his team utilized words like “thank you” and “you fool” on different containers of water. The research demonstrated that positive phrases created beautiful, symmetrical crystals in water, while negative words resulted in chaotic, disorganized structures.
Linguistic Racism and Its Impact on International Students, Immigrants, & Refugees
Linguistic racism occurs when people are judged or excluded based on how they speak, write, or use a particular language. Language is deeply connected to a person's identity, and being excluded for speaking differently can cause lasting psychological damage. Linguistic racism denies individuals their fundamental linguistic rights, leading to what some scholars call a “linguistic inferiority complex.” Students, immigrants, and refugees may feel ashamed or insecure about their language abilities, even if their language skills are proficient. This constant judgment based on how someone communicates creates emotional scars that can parallel racial discrimination.
Winter is coming, and so is SAD.
Every year, as the seasons change and the days get shorter, many of us notice a dip in our mood. We may feel more tired, less motivated to leave the house, and for some, feelings of sadness or even depressive moods can emerge. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that occurs during specific seasons, most commonly in the winter, due to reduced sunlight and shorter days.
How Somatic Therapy Has Changed My Trauma Therapy Clinical Practice
For years, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) reigned as the go-to modality in psychotherapy. However, a new approach is gaining momentum: Somatic Therapy.
With nearly a decade of experience, I’ve worked extensively with clients grappling with trauma, especially those who’ve endured multiple or complex traumatic events, often from childhood. Early in my practice, I became intrigued—albeit skeptical—about Somatic Therapy. It was a word that was veiled in mystery to me - what did it mean and entail?
Why Counselling is Worth the Investment
Do you find yourself stuck in repeated patterns and struggle to break the cycle on your own? If you could picture yourself 6 months from now, what do you want to see for your life?
In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook our mental and emotional well-being. We invest in our physical health, education, and careers, but often neglect the importance of our mental health. Counselling, however, is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance our quality of life. Engaging in counselling or therapy can lead to numerous positive gains, feelings, and behaviors. Here are some of the most common ones…
Direct Billing for Registered Clinical Counsellors in British Columbia: Everything You Need To Know
It’s finally (almost) here! In an exciting development for mental health care in British Columbia (BC), direct billing for registered clinical counsellors is soon to be available. This change marks a significant step forward in making mental health services more accessible and affordable for clients across the province. By reducing the financial and administrative burden on clients, direct billing is set to improve the overall experience of seeking mental health support.
If you struggle to talk about your trauma in therapy, EMDR might be for you.
EMDR therapy is a structured psychotherapy approach that aims to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR focuses on the reprocessing of traumatic events through specific procedures and techniques. The therapy is based on the premise that traumatic experiences can overwhelm the brain's natural ability to process information, leading to the persistence of distressing symptoms.
How To Set Boundaries That Make A Difference
Following through on a personal boundary can be incredibly painful. It can mean saying goodbye to someone in our life.
What is a personal boundary? A personal boundary defines the limits of what actions are acceptable and comfortable for an individual. Boundaries are the lines we set for ourselves in various aspects of life, including the realms of emotional, physical, sexual, workplace, material, and time.
Following through on a boundary can be crucial for mental, emotional, physical, or sexual well-being.