5 Tips for a Mood Boosting Morning Routine 

Raelene Hurry, M.Ed., RCC. Vitality Collective, Surrey Therapist

Mornings. Some people love them, some people don’t. Do you wake up, rested, and ready to experience the possibilities of a new day? Or do you cringe when you hear the buzzing of the alarm clock, hit snooze, and pull the covers over your head to sleep a little longer? Perhaps you drag yourself out of bed, put one foot in front of the other and get going on the responsibilities of the day, lacking any real excitement. Whatever your morning looks like, how you start your day can have a dramatic effect on the rest of your day. 

Now you may be thinking about all the reasons why you don’t have the time or motivation to add anything to your mornings, but you really do! When you choose to wake up, get up, and complete a task like making your bed, you are creating consistency in your life. Consistency is the key to all success. You are giving yourself a beautiful gift of self-love and empowerment by choosing to get up and engage in your routine. Your routine will likely look different than mine or your best friends and that’s perfectly fine! So how do you create one that works for you? 

Step 1: First ask yourself: 

  • How do I want to feel each day? 

  • What are my goals in life?

Step 2: Then ask yourself: 

  • Does sleeping in late and rushing to work or avoiding my day help me reach my goals? 

  • What am I doing now that isn’t helping me feel my best? 

  • If I had a magic wand, how would things be different? 

Step 3: Decide: 

  • What is just one, tiny thing I can do today to change my current routine? Choosing just one thing that feels manageable is the first step. Trying to drastically change everything all at once doesn’t often work for people, but slowly changing one thing at a time does. 

Step 4: Do it. 

  • Don’t wait. Do that thing! 

Step 5: Do it again. 

  • Wake up and do that thing again and again. Soon it will become a habit and then you can add another small thing into your routine. Baby steps and consistency are the building blocks of success! 

As I said, your routine needs to work for you, but here are some proven tips to help kickstart your morning routine, boost your mood and set you up for success. 

Tip #1: Set an alarm and don’t hit snooze!

Easier said than done, right? Well, if you realize that how you respond the moment your alarm goes off sets the tone for your whole day, you may be more likely to avoid the snooze button. Do you want to be productive during the day? Do you feel good when you cross tasks off your list? Do you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day to do all you want to do? Setting a consistent morning alarm creates rhythm in your body and provides you with an opportunity to seize the day! Not to mention, it’s your first success of the day. You’ll be off to a great start. 

The 5 Second Rule

can be very helpful here. How you respond in the first 5 seconds is key. If you wait more than 5 seconds, your brain may alter your instinct; your self-doubt, fears, and old coping mechanisms or patterns of behaviour arise. So when that alarm goes off, instantly count backwards “5, 4, 3, 2, 1” and by the time you hit 1, get up. Counting down interrupts automatic thoughts and activates your prefrontal cortex (thinking brain). Action interrupts old habitual behaviours and prevents your brain from sabotaging your goals. 

Tip #2: Make your bed.

Mel Robbins, author of The 5 Second Rule, talks about how making her bed every morning is a gift to herself. By first choosing to get out of bed for herself (not for others), and then making the bed, she is gifting herself a lovely place to come back and dream at night, while also setting herself up for success. After waking up on time, making the bed is your next accomplishment of the day and it’s only just started! 

Tip #3: Drink a glass of water.

Even if you wake up tired and depend on your cup of coffee or tea to get you moving, try hydrating with a cup of water first. Cortisol levels are naturally highest in the morning preparing you to have energy for your day, so if you can postpone that cup of coffee until you get to work or after a glass of water, your body will thank you. There is no shortage of information about the benefits of drinking water in the morning, but there are some mixed data proving the claims. What we do know is that hydration is critical for your body and your brain, as it helps fight fatigue and flush toxins from your body. Go ahead and squeeze some fresh lemon or mix lemon and cucumber into your water for some powerful antioxidants to start your day with a clearer mind.

Tip #4: Move your body.

A morning workout is like putting gas in your car. It’s fuel for your body to have energy for the day and it releases oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine and endorphins that make you feel good.  If you don’t have time for a longer workout, a short HITT workout or a stretching routine or some yoga can loosen muscles and joints that can be stiff in the morning and have the added benefit of boosting your mood. Try some jumping jacks as the shower warms up, some sun salutation sets (yoga) to get your blood flowing, or take a 10-minute walk around the block. Any amount of movement is better than none. 

Tip #5: Set an intention for the day.

“One small, positive thought in the morning can change your whole day”. This may be the most powerful two minutes of your morning routine. Harvard Business School did research that shows setting an intention in the morning is a profound way to start your day that has been proven to impact your mood all day long, improve your confidence, your productivity, and how you show up as a leader. First, by looking in the mirror in the morning and setting an intention, you are checking in with yourself, countering the negative self-talk that may typically take place when you look in the mirror and creating a new habit of lifting yourself up. Some people like to write down this intention; physically writing it down also helps solidify your intention or goal. Mel Robbins has a beautiful technique that I encourage you to try. It’s called the High 5 Habit. Look in the mirror each morning and give your reflection a High 5. Simple right?! 

You may be wondering how giving yourself a High 5 has any impact on you. The reason it works is that giving a high five is associated with positive emotions, connection, and success. High 5’s between people create partnership and trust. Doing the High 5 in the mirror creates partnership and trust with yourself! Empowerment, encouragement, support and celebration are the most powerful motivators in the world. Instead of waiting for others to give that to you, choose to give it to yourself, every single day! It might sound silly, but what do you have to lose by trying it out? Why not commit to giving yourself a High 5 daily for a month and see what happens? 

Starting the day with a consistent morning routine mentally grounds you, orients you to time and place, sets you up for success, and supports your physical and mental health. If you need help finding clarity in your goals or how to reach them, a counsellor can help you explore your values and support you through reaching your goals. 





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