Written by us, for you.

Resources on Mental Health, Trauma, Relationships, and Our Shared Humanity.

Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

How Somatic Therapy Has Changed My Trauma Therapy Clinical Practice

For years, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) reigned as the go-to modality in psychotherapy. However, a new approach is gaining momentum: Somatic Therapy.

With nearly a decade of experience, I’ve worked extensively with clients grappling with trauma, especially those who’ve endured multiple or complex traumatic events, often from childhood. Early in my practice, I became intrigued—albeit skeptical—about Somatic Therapy. It was a word that was veiled in mystery to me - what did it mean and entail?

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Why Counselling is Worth the Investment

Do you find yourself stuck in repeated patterns and struggle to break the cycle on your own? If you could picture yourself 6 months from now, what do you want to see for your life?

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook our mental and emotional well-being. We invest in our physical health, education, and careers, but often neglect the importance of our mental health. Counselling, however, is a powerful tool that can significantly enhance our quality of life. Engaging in counselling or therapy can lead to numerous positive gains, feelings, and behaviors. Here are some of the most common ones…

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Direct Billing for Registered Clinical Counsellors in British Columbia: Everything You Need To Know

It’s finally (almost) here! In an exciting development for mental health care in British Columbia (BC), direct billing for registered clinical counsellors is soon to be available. This change marks a significant step forward in making mental health services more accessible and affordable for clients across the province. By reducing the financial and administrative burden on clients, direct billing is set to improve the overall experience of seeking mental health support.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

If you struggle to talk about your trauma in therapy, EMDR might be for you.

EMDR therapy is a structured psychotherapy approach that aims to alleviate the distress associated with traumatic memories. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR focuses on the reprocessing of traumatic events through specific procedures and techniques. The therapy is based on the premise that traumatic experiences can overwhelm the brain's natural ability to process information, leading to the persistence of distressing symptoms.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

How To Set Boundaries That Make A Difference

Following through on a personal boundary can be incredibly painful. It can mean saying goodbye to someone in our life.

What is a personal boundary? A personal boundary defines the limits of what actions are acceptable and comfortable for an individual. Boundaries are the lines we set for ourselves in various aspects of life, including the realms of emotional, physical, sexual, workplace, material, and time.

Following through on a boundary can be crucial for mental, emotional, physical, or sexual well-being.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Navigating Grief 

Many people think of grief as an emotional experience or state attached to the death of a loved one. Grief, however, is not limited to death-related losses alone. Grief can arise from several experiences in a person's life.

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