Written by us, for you.

Resources on Mental Health, Trauma, Relationships, and Our Shared Humanity.

relationships Lisa Catallo relationships Lisa Catallo

It's the most wonderful time of the year!...Is it though?

Have you ever felt the pressure to love the holiday season? It seems that everyone and their dog is excited for this magical time of year, yet you can’t seem to shake a lingering sense of dread as the festivities start to unfold. Whitney Regan wrote this post to get help on how to manage the loneliness you might be feeling during this season.

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parenting Lisa Catallo parenting Lisa Catallo

What we're reading - November 1, 2019

If emotional intelligence is so important, why don’t we talk about it with children?  In today’s society, we ask each other ‘how are you?’ and the response is almost always ‘fine’.  Fine is not an emotion; fine does not express anything; fine is a cover-up.  We try to protect our children from our negative emotions most of the time.  The problem with this is that children are the best emotional antennas, they can sense when their parents are not happy.  Not hiding emotions doesn’t mean we dump all our concerns on our children all the worries of being an adult and parent; it does mean that we can share in a controlled way.

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depression Lisa Catallo depression Lisa Catallo

Four Ways to Beat the Blues this Winter

Every year, as the seasons change and the days get shorter, it seems our moods dip. We may feel more tired, less inclined to get out of the house, and for some, feelings of sadness or depressive moods can arise. There’s a number of real factors that contribute to this seasonal change in mood. Danielle Palmer shares three key issues and four antidotes to be proactive against them.

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podcasts, parenting Lisa Catallo podcasts, parenting Lisa Catallo

The Cost of Emotional Labour

This article is inspired by a podcast that really opened Inder’s eyes to a concept she was just living with as a norm—and maybe because it is.  The episode is called “Emotional Labor is Labor!” from the podcast Stuff Mom Never Told You, hosted by Anney Reese and Bridget Todd. 

So, what exactly is emotional labour? It consists of work historically done by women, in various personal and professional settings, that comprises of things like actively listening to people vent, scheduling, remembering important dates, planning social events, coming up with gifts or tokens of appreciation, and just being aware of others’ emotions on top of their own. 

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boundaries Lisa Catallo boundaries Lisa Catallo

5 Ways to Manage Your Expectations This Thanksgiving

With Thanksgiving less than two weeks away, there isn’t a lot that one article can do to help you fix everything you are concerned about for Thanksgiving, but the hope is that it might be able to help some of you manage your expectations around this season and help you get through in a way you feel you had a say in how your experience yourself, others and your time.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Anxiety, old pal

It’s Monday evening. Just a typical day. I’m in my kitchen preparing dinner, as I always do. I pull open the oven door to take out the casserole, and a small puff of smoke escapes. Confused, because the casserole is not burnt in the slightest, I open the door all the way to get a better look.

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Chelsea Stenner Chelsea Stenner

What does my therapist’s approach actually mean?

As you search for a counsellor there can be a lot of different terms that they use that you don’t understand. Chelsea Stenner explains some of these terms here to help you get to know her a bit better and to help you as you navigate your search for a therapist to help you reach your goals.

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Lisa Catallo Lisa Catallo

What we're reading

Cassandra Santlal recently listened to the audiobook Radical Self-Acceptance by Tara Brach. Throughout this book, Tara uses down to earth, compassionate, wise and calming strategies to guide listeners to accept their reality with mindfulness, rather than avoid it or try to compensate for it.

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Lisa Catallo Lisa Catallo

What we're reading

Are you looking for an interesting read this summer? We recently read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. See what we thought!

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Lisa Catallo Lisa Catallo

5 ways to start setting boundaries

You have started to resent some of the activities you are doing, or the time you spend with people, but aren’t sure how to change that. Here’s 5 tips on how to start saying “yes” and “no” so you feel fulfilled rather than resentful

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Lisa Catallo Lisa Catallo

What we're watching

Here are some highlights we observed in Brene Brown’s “Call to Courage” on Netflix

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