Written by us, for you.

Resources on Mental Health, Trauma, Relationships, and Our Shared Humanity.

covid-19 Vitality Collective covid-19 Vitality Collective

Postpartum Mental Health and COVID-19

New parenthood is tough enough, and then throw a worldwide pandemic in the mix and it can really take a toll on your mental health. Now, more than ever is a time to pay attention to your mental health and educate yourself about postpartum depression and anxiety so that you can spot the symptoms and seek the help that is required.

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covid-19 Lisa Catallo covid-19 Lisa Catallo

How do you support someone who is struggling with substance use during a quarantine?

It is often said that the opposite of addiction is connection and during these uncertain times many of those who are in recovery are struggling with feelings of disconnection. So often being in recovery entails having a strong support network, going to meetings, talking to a counsellor, spending time with sober friends, etc. And yet these opportunities have been limited during COVID-19. So how can you support someone you care about?

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anxiety Lisa Catallo anxiety Lisa Catallo

Is COVID-19 making you wonder if you have OCD?

Through Covid-19 we have been told to wash our hands, frequently and thoroughly. This has been our first line of defence, and it has worked. We have been taught to be afraid of COVID-19 contamination and we must protect ourselves and others. But for some of us, these fears become all-consuming, taking up the vast majority of our time. Our behaviour becomes ritualized, with incessant worries about contamination and non-stop washing to reduce our anxiety. When this is the case, we may want to look at whether or not this is OCD.

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anxiety Vitality Collective anxiety Vitality Collective

I’m not anxious… you’re anxious!

Anxiety and fear are common human emotions. They are your body’s natural alarm system, telling you there is some kind of danger present. Your heart races, your shoulders tense up, your hands begin to sweat… all of the physical sensations associated with anxiety are your body’s way of preparing to fight, take flight, or freeze.

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mental health Lisa Catallo mental health Lisa Catallo

What is trauma?

When we experience a trauma our mind becomes highly alert to potential danger and it triggers a set of emotional, physiological, and behavioural responses, which often causes us to feel stuck. A common misperception that people have is that they feel their brain isn’t working, while others might say things like “I feel broken”, “I’m not who I used to be”, “I feel stuck”, and so on. If we circle back to the black ice metaphor, we can rest assured that the car (just like our brain), in fact, is NOT broken but trauma does have a way of making us feel stuck in time.

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covid-19 Lisa Catallo covid-19 Lisa Catallo

Why are Zoom calls so exhausting?

In a world where we have become removed from our regular interactions with friends, family or our favourite Starbucks barista, the opportunity to connect with those who are important to us is a blessing…and a curse.

If you have been on Zoom, or FaceTime, Skype, or any other type of video call app, you may have noticed that you are more tired than you would be after seeing these people in person.  And yet they provide you with the opportunity to actually connect with people.  Why is that?

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parenting Lisa Catallo parenting Lisa Catallo

How to talk to your kids about COVID-19

What many of us don’t realize is that our children are the world’s best lie detectors. They know that we are stressed. Moreover, when we try to hide our feelings from our children, what we are telling them is that emotions are not okay. In our efforts to protect and care for our children, hoping to protect them from anxiety and fear, we have actually suppressed our emotions and told them to do the same.

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mental health Lisa Catallo mental health Lisa Catallo

The Power of Change

…change is challenging and chaotic. However, chaos is where we grow and transform. It is where we learn to master one level of the game of life and qualify to the next. As Abraham Maslow once said “One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.”

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movies Lisa Catallo movies Lisa Catallo

What we're watching

According to Ola Abugharbiyeh the Netflix movie “My Happy Family” is a masterful representation of attending to your unmet needs and unconscious yearnings, and learning how to set healthy boundaries.

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podcasts Lisa Catallo podcasts Lisa Catallo

Are you looking to add a bit of humour to your podcast experience? Check out our review of Grownups Read Things They Wrote as Kids.

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personal growth Lisa Catallo personal growth Lisa Catallo

Next Year will be Better

Are there things that you learned from your experience of Christmas this year that you’d like to change? Rather than waiting for next December to make those changes, why not start now? Learn four ways to make permanent changes in your life so that Christmas 2020 is a better experience.

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