Written by us, for you.

Resources on Mental Health, Trauma, Relationships, and Our Shared Humanity.

Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

What is the Common Factors Theory in Psychotherapy

One of the most widely studied theories is the common factors theory, which is grounded in evidence and suggests that there are certain elements that are common to all effective forms of psychotherapy, regardless of the specific techniques used. In this blog post, we will explore the common factors theory in more detail and examine its implications for psychotherapy practice

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

How to Understand & Befriend Anger

While anger is sometimes (often) moralized as a “bad” or “negative” emotion, it is just as important as any emotion we have!

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

How to Let Go of Control

It is human nature to worry about anything that feels uncertain to us, especially when there are corresponding thoughts or beliefs that we have that make us expect the worst-case scenario.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Things We Learn From Travel

Travelling has become more and more accessible to people with increased globalization, and many people are also coming to see it as an act of self-care – a way to reward themselves for the hard work they do throughout the year. In fact, research has found that people who travel tend to report more positive effects on their perceived health and wellness.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Caring for Yourself During Burnout

If you have ever experienced burnout, you know how difficult and consuming it can be. Moving through it is a process that takes time and is most definitely non-linear. We don’t get rid of burnout—we move through it; we work with it.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Baby blues and Postpartum depression

Pregnancy and childbirth can be joyous times in a person's life, but they can also come with a range of emotional challenges. When these challenges appear, women often suffer in silence due to the lack of social support or feelings of guilt and shame.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Creative Expression - A Source of Vitality

People are often surprised to learn that simple things such as cooking, solving abstract problems, gardening, or journaling can be forms of creative expression as well. Research has shown that creativity enhances subjective well-being

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

How to Prepare for Your First Therapy Session 

There is essentially no “right” way to do a first session. All you really can do is show up and try to be as open to the process as you are able. While trusting this process can be daunting, your therapist will be there to welcome you just as you are.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Matrescence: A New Mother’s Journey

If you are a new mom navigating the incredible journey of motherhood and feel you may benefit from support, therapy gives you the space to process all that you are experiencing and help you navigate this time in your life. 

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Process of Healing 

Accepting that healing takes time, and that your old wounds may surprise you from time to time, allows you to be better equipped for the process of healing. It grants you the freedom to be human, to make mistakes, and be imperfect while holding yourself in a space of love.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Why Play is Not Just for Children

Somewhere along the way, we begin to lose the carefree ability to play. We enter adolescence and become self-conscious, while our interests also naturally change

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective


Feeling misunderstood, unseen, or devalued often causes us to feel distressed, angry, hurt, frustrated, or defeated. So, one of the overlooked skills in communication is to be able to ask for what you need and why you need it.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Bicultural Dilemma 

Most spiritual traditions call this ‘duality’, and encourage people to rise above the duality - to see the world not simply in black or white, light or dark, happy or sad, but instead as a synthesis of the two. If people are able to live non-dualistically, they are more likely to coexist; for example, conservatives and liberals, vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, religious folk and atheists, can all be friends.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Stress Response In Kids

When it comes to stress, there is a lot of awareness about how commonly adults experience it, along with the impacts of stress on our health and well-being, but children are impacted by stress too!

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

What Does it Mean to Hear Your Self-Compassionate Voice?

What does it mean to hear your compassionate voice? I have found many a client respond to this question with “I don’t know”, or “I’ve never heard this voice before”. This is often the case when the dominant story of our lives is one where we are somehow not enough, unworthy, bad, or defective

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