Written by us, for you.

Resources on Mental Health, Trauma, Relationships, and Our Shared Humanity.

Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Process of Healing 

Accepting that healing takes time, and that your old wounds may surprise you from time to time, allows you to be better equipped for the process of healing. It grants you the freedom to be human, to make mistakes, and be imperfect while holding yourself in a space of love.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Why Play is Not Just for Children

Somewhere along the way, we begin to lose the carefree ability to play. We enter adolescence and become self-conscious, while our interests also naturally change

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective


Feeling misunderstood, unseen, or devalued often causes us to feel distressed, angry, hurt, frustrated, or defeated. So, one of the overlooked skills in communication is to be able to ask for what you need and why you need it.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Bicultural Dilemma 

Most spiritual traditions call this ‘duality’, and encourage people to rise above the duality - to see the world not simply in black or white, light or dark, happy or sad, but instead as a synthesis of the two. If people are able to live non-dualistically, they are more likely to coexist; for example, conservatives and liberals, vaxxers and anti-vaxxers, religious folk and atheists, can all be friends.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Stress Response In Kids

When it comes to stress, there is a lot of awareness about how commonly adults experience it, along with the impacts of stress on our health and well-being, but children are impacted by stress too!

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

What Does it Mean to Hear Your Self-Compassionate Voice?

What does it mean to hear your compassionate voice? I have found many a client respond to this question with “I don’t know”, or “I’ve never heard this voice before”. This is often the case when the dominant story of our lives is one where we are somehow not enough, unworthy, bad, or defective

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Cultivating Hope

Biologically humans were built to watch for danger. This biological development was needed because we had to watch for predators while roaming the plains or jungles – it was a survival mechanism. However, we no longer need this trait to the extent that some use it. Several studies have shown that those whose outlook is more hopeful, are more likely able to deal with adverse situations and thus have improved mental health/wellness. Hence, the importance to cultivate hope

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Damage We Do By Self-Bullying

Bullying. It’s been talked about a lot over the years, but perhaps not like this. We often feel hurt, scared, or angry when someone bullies us and we want it to stop. So, why do we consent to bullying ourselves? Why do we sometimes berate ourselves, speak negatively to ourselves, criticize our perceived flaws, tell ourselves we aren't good enough and beat ourselves up for things? And why do we do this over and over?

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Slowing Down - Learning to Breathe Through Life Stressors

How often do you find yourself reminding yourself to breathe? Maybe you’ve picked up the kids, and are thinking about what to make for dinner, while driving them over to swimming practice, all while worrying about the event that you are hosting tomorrow. Maybe you have finished a meeting, have 20 minutes to grab a bite, and are then presenting a big project at work. We live in a fast-paced world where slowing down to take a breath is a task that needs to be built into our day, a task that unfortunately most people forget.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Couples and Communication Problems

I’ll have to say, 95% of the couples that come to me for counselling say their communication is the problem. Clients say they feel angry, annoyed, hurt, frustrated and eventually hopeless. Sometimes problems arise when your partner doesn’t agree with what you’re saying, or they have trouble understanding what you are trying to say.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The 4 Types of Survival Responses

When we become overwhelmed with stress, anxiety and/or emotion we revert to our basic survival responses. There are 4 primary survival responses - Which one does your brain tend to rely on?

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

5 Tips for a Mood Boosting Morning Routine 

Mornings. Some people love them, some people don’t. Do you wake up, rested, and ready to experience the possibilities of a new day? Or do you cringe when you hear the buzzing of the alarm clock, hit snooze, and pull the covers over your head to sleep a little longer? Perhaps you drag yourself out of bed, put one foot in front of the other and get going on the responsibilities of the day, lacking any real excitement. Whatever your morning looks like, how you start your day can have a dramatic effect on the rest of your day.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Road to Recovery from Addiction and Substance Use

Addiction is “a state of psychological or physical dependence (or both) on the use of alcohol or other drugs” (American Psychological Association). Alcohol Addiction and other addictions often start as a way to cope with negative life events, trauma, and or emotions. Signs that you may have developed an addiction and what the road to recovery looks like…

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Putting Yourself First and Learning to Prioritize Your Needs

One of the most important things we can do for our well-being is to put ourselves first. Many people may have a strong reaction to this idea - isn’t that selfish? Actually, no! Putting yourself first doesn’t mean you aren’t considering others. Here are some typical signs of how to tell when you’re not putting yourself first…

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Conquering the Fear of Couples Therapy

Couples therapy.

It’s a term couples sometimes associate with a failed relationship, or when things aren’t going well. While this may be the reason that couples initially start to see a therapist, most couples wish they had done this earlier in their relationship- even when things were going well.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Talk to Your Counsellor: Building a Therapeutic Relationship.

So, you’re new to counselling, or have had counselling in the past but never connected with your counsellor. This time you want a successful outcome. The key to success is the therapeutic relationship or the bond between you and your therapist.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

The Truth About Perfectionism 

Do you find yourself needing to be perfect? Have flawless skin? Wear just the right clothes? Have a certain body type? Say just the right thing? Execute your work without a single error? Achieve 100% on a test or in a course? Ensure your house is spotless and perfectly organized? Reach unattainable goals?

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Summer Time and Screen Time. What Parents Need to Know. 

Your child has likely been out of school for a month now. Are they loving the break? Or are they feeling bored? Missing their friends or classmates yet? There can be a wide range of emotions for kids during summer.

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Vitality Collective Vitality Collective

Mindful Communication - Strategies for Healthy Conversations

Communication is a huge part of our day-to-day lives, from work or school to personal relationships, and all the little interactions with people along the way. It can be through in-person contact, email, text message, virtual meetings, and through nonverbal cues like our body language.

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